
Thursday, December 30, 2010

My car accident.

UPDATE! Doing really well! Added some story and pictures before the twitter well wishes!

I had a horrible accident on Dec 29th, 2010. I broke 2 bones in my face and 18 stitches. My car is totalled but I walked away. I don't care what you believe in but my Angels and My God were with me. Below I have pictures of the car and me and then under that a Very special thank you to my twitter and FB friends. 

This is the inside of the car. I bounced my face off of that trim between the door and the windshield. The blood on the door is from my hands when I tried to get out of the car.
The police say the whole driver side was slid in 6 inches which is why my face smacked the trim above.
A wider shot of the car. I am very VERY glad to be alive.
Then there was the damage to me:
In the hospital pretty dark. They had finally freed me from the neck brace and I was free to move about the cabin. They stitched me up pretty well. Took 18 stitches and one would was hard to stitch on top of my broken sinus bone 
This was a well lit pic after I was sent on my way. All the glass scrapes are more clear now.
This was day 2 after I woke up. I plan to do daily pics to show how it heals. It was looking a ton better day 2 than day 1
Day 3

Day 4

Skipped day 5 this is day 6
UPDATE: Here's the stuff leading up to and after surgery

 So the stitches healed up nicely. Came time to get them out.Heres the first picture after they were out. Held under the sturry strips. Eye still showing signs of the blood that was behind, in, around and pretty much every where to do with my sinus's. Below: Sturry strips off. The ER doc did a great job sewing me up
Lots closer. Shows how red the eye is and how deep the scar is
 1st pic post surgery. Little more swollen but overall okay. They decided to keep me over night hence the hospital gown. They reopened the original scar and put a plate from my nose all the way under my eye. getting the good stuff via IV. Never had one in my hand before but it worked!

 Back home. Eye swelling is going down. Still a ton of blood. Sturry strips over the new scar and below, back on the ice for a couple days
This is the 1st pic after the strips are off. Looks like someone ran a very small sharp blade across my face. It'll be interesting to see how it works out.

While this was going on I was able to post to fb and Twitter to keep my family in the know of what was going on. The outpouring of love on my facebook can be seen at and the outpouring on my twitter (Which blew me away) is below. You have to scroll to the bottom and then read it going up. My remarks and links to pics aren't included but I appreciate every single person below. My twitter followers are awesome and I never expected to meet people like this when I became Royalman but it's totally worth it just knowing you folks! For those of you on Twitter, consider this your follow friday. These are the kind of people you want to follow.

Remember read from the bottom up. 
Kinda funny notes:
They didn't want to move my neck much but I threw a fit cause they were going to cut my Omaha Royals Hoodie off. I explained I can't get another and would gladly let them cut the shirts just save the hoodie.

After the hoodie incident I quipped with the nurses as they were taking my pants off: "This is probably the only time in my life I am not overjoyed to be having a group of ladies rip my clothes off."

 An orderly walked into my room to check on me and just before he left he turned and said: "You're Royalman, right?" I confirmed and he said he goes to tons of game just with no cape or boots :)

jeremejones Jereme Jones 
@BrianMcGannon Are you kidding me. @KCRoyalman is a Royals fan. That is way more painful than any car wreck! He'll be back without a doubt.
Description: Christy
angelchrys Christy 
@KCRoyalman Just looked at your pictures! 1. Your car is awesome/dead. 2. You're lucky to still be here. 3. Get better soon!
Description: Brian McGannon
BrianMcGannon Brian McGannon 
I think we need to ask @injuryexpert about @KCRoyalman's health status headed into spring training. Does he start the season on the DL?
Description: Daniel Wesley
discolando Daniel Wesley 
@KCRoyalman Yikes! Take it easy man and focus on recuperating!
Description: Brian McGannon
BrianMcGannon Brian McGannon 
@KCRoyalman there you go! Hope all is well buddy. Good to know you're doing ok.
Description: greg schaum
Greg_Schaum greg schaum 
@KCRoyalman did u find the 3 little kids that started wearing Cardinals hats while u were down? The royalman light was across the sky!

3guysinagarage 3guysinagarage 
@KCRoyalman no problem just concerned
Description: ghoneycutt
Ghoneycutt ghoneycutt 
@KCRoyalman go to the bar tonight and tell the hot girl there your a mma fighter.. #positives
Description: Stephanie Conyers
stephcon Stephanie Conyers 
@KCRoyalman shit!!!! Ouch :( hope you heal fast and well!
Description: Bobby
corntornado Bobby 
@KCRoyalman Dang bro hope you feelin better who's fault was it?
Description: Justin Shaw
KCjoker Justin Shaw 
@KCRoyalman man sorry to hear about your wreck. Its been my experience, when you fight a face w/ ur face, they car always wins. Get well bro
Description: SoundtrackOfTheWeek
SOTWpodcast SoundtrackOfTheWeek 
@KCRoyalman Car wreck or ass beating? Lol
Description: Brandon
BrandonPSA Brandon 
I take s semi break from twitter yesterday and @kcroyalman goes and gets his face busted up. Musta gone to a White Sox gathering in outfit
Description: BG
@KCRoyalman bummer about the accident. Glad the hoodie made it.
Description: Nene Cupcakes
Ms_Nene Nene Cupcakes 
@KCRoyalman poor baby!
Description: Gregg Lynn
gregglynnonkjo Gregg Lynn 
@KCRoyalman OUCH!
Description: alanagwinner
alanagwinner alanagwinner 
@KCRoyalman dang! Hope the other guy has insurance. Hoping for a fast recovery for ya! :)
Description: Loren
lasernorm Loren 
@KCRoyalman happy to hear your ok sir. Prayers for fast healing
Description: michael smith
prezmike25 michael smith 
@KCRoyalman good luck
Description: Timny Pafford
TimPafford Timny Pafford 
@KCRoyalman man. I hope you heal well and quickly. If you need anything drop a line.
Description: Shizzy
shizzyrocks Shizzy 
@KCRoyalman get well soon
Description: Hugh Woolard
Hugh2D2 Hugh Woolard 
@KCRoyalman But you should see the OTHER guy. No really... you should see him. Not a scratch on him.
Description: Allison
msgigglebox Allison 
@KCRoyalman you poor your car worse off?!
Description: alanagwinner
alanagwinner alanagwinner 
@KCRoyalman Omg what happened? Did someone hit you??
Description: Rosisella Villegas
rosisella Rosisella Villegas 
@KCRoyalman what in the world?!
Description: Timny Pafford
TimPafford Timny Pafford 
@KCRoyalman what happened??
Description: Almighty Ruler
jfishsports Almighty Ruler 
@KCRoyalman Holy Hell, man.
Description: Josh Spangler
joshspangler Josh Spangler 
Hey yall, my homie @KCRoyalman got pretty banged up in a car wreck - wish him a speedy recovery and send him some love real quick.
Description: 3guysinagarage
3guysinagarage 3guysinagarage 
@KCRoyalman hope you have a quick recovery our friend
Description: Becah Fliehs
becahfliehs Becah Fliehs 
@KCRoyalman hope you feel better!
Description: Mouse in catspeak
Meouse Mouse in catspeak 
@KCRoyalman Jeez man, the pain of being a Royals fan & now a car wreck? Here's hoping both futures brighter! Take care.
Description: The Brun
HiGhWiNd5150 The Brun 
@KCRoyalman hope you're doin alright brother. Take care of yourself. N watch that hoodie. ;)
Description: Mandy_poo
Mandy_poo Mandy_poo 
Get well soon buttercup! @Troyaof @KCRoyalman
Description: Jereme Jones
jeremejones Jereme Jones 
@KCRoyalman Get better soon man. Hopefully the Huskers can bring home a W for you tomorrow to make you feel a little better.
Description: Cody Fann
kcroyals_fann Cody Fann 
@KCRoyalman get feeling better man, if anyone asks, just tell 'em you kicked a Cardinals fan's ass
Description: Clinton deMontel
Clintonde Clinton deMontel 
@KCRoyalman get well soon man!!
Description: Llama
orbislame Llama 
@KCRoyalman Thats crazy dude. Sorry to hear that. Get better.
Description: greg schaum
Greg_Schaum greg schaum 
@KCRoyalman Royalman get better, 3 kids from KC just became Cardinals fans while u were down...this city needs you!
Description: michael smith
prezmike25 michael smith 
@KCRoyalman don't try to use your celebrity to get bettef medical care. #impermissablebenefits
Description: Brian McGannon
BrianMcGannon Brian McGannon 
@KCRoyalman hope you're doing well man. Heard about the accident. And since FB season is over, I thought I'd start following you again.
Description: Kings of Kauffman
kingsofkauffman Kings of Kauffman 
Everyone out there should send out good vibes to @KCRoyalmanwho was in a car accident. He's still Tweeting strong, though!#Royals
Description: Rylee
RyleeInKC Rylee 
@KCRoyalman Yikes. Take it easy.
Description: Matt Daly
mgdkc Matt Daly 
@KCRoyalman Yikes, hang in there man. Speedy recovery. Interesting that the orderly recognized you without the cape.
Description: JJ
@KCRoyalman Hope you're ok :-)
Description: Rylee
RyleeInKC Rylee 
@KCRoyalman wow. what happened?
Description: Christy
angelchrys Christy 
@KCRoyalman Ouch!
Description: alanagwinner
alanagwinner alanagwinner 
@KCRoyalman haha! That's funny. Everyone knows you :) get better soon!!
Description: Alexis Ceule
AlexisCeule Alexis Ceule 
@kcroyalman Dude... how can I help you?
Description: Libby
get better! @KCRoyalman
@KCRoyalman Wow, hope you feel better soon!
Description: alanagwinner
alanagwinner alanagwinner 
Omg!! Are you ok?! RT @KCRoyalman here's my face
Description: Greg Layton
grogg Greg Layton 
@KCRoyalman wow, that's scary. hope you're ok for opening day.
Description: Sarah
luckiexstar Sarah 
@KCRoyalman sorry to see this :/
Description: VooDoo - Kansas City
VooDooKC VooDoo - Kansas City 
R U gonna be fine? Sorry to see this. Wow. Sobering. RT @KCRoyalman: 18 stitches and some broken bones in my face...
Description: Johnny's Tavern
JohnnysTavernPV Johnny's Tavern 
Afraid to ask what happened... just want to say GET BETTER!!!! RT @KCRoyalman: 18 stitches and some broken bones in my face...
Description: Jeremy Brooks
vivid13 Jeremy Brooks 
@KCRoyalman well that sounds like a good time... glad you're ok aside from that (I think?)
Description: Gordon
GordonBOPS Gordon 
@KCRoyalman Sorry to hear that... being a Royals fan is a hazardous occupation! Hope you are in the clear healthwise.
Description: Hugh Woolard
Hugh2D2 Hugh Woolard 
@KCRoyalman Dude! Feel better.
Description: wendy smith
srndur wendy smith 
@KCRoyalman *your
Description: wendy smith
srndur wendy smith 
@KCRoyalman holy cow! You're head!? Best wishes.
Description: ghoneycutt
Ghoneycutt ghoneycutt 
@KCRoyalman You should have had your cape on
Description: socreepy
socreepy socreepy 
@KCRoyalman Yikes! Well, I hope it goes well and you're okay.
Description: Kirk Harris
KCYeti Kirk Harris 
Hope you get better soon RT @KCRoyalman So I am at st lukes waiting xrays had a car accident but I think I'm okay
Description: michael smith
prezmike25 michael smith 
@KCRoyalman hope you're ok. Good luck
Description: Greg Layton
grogg Greg Layton 
@KCRoyalman oh crap dude. sorry to hear that. hope they come back negative.
Description: Christy
angelchrys Christy 
@KCRoyalman Yikes! Hope you're OK. Recommendation: Avoid the other cars on the road. ;-)
Description: socreepy
socreepy socreepy 
@KCRoyalman No! What are they x-raying?
Description: Fake Ned Yost
fakenedyost Fake Ned Yost 
Get well. Seriously. RT @KCRoyalman: So I am at st lukes waiting xrays had a car accident but I think I'm okay